भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय पटसन एवं समवर्गीय रेशा अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute
" ### NURTURE A CLEANER NATURE, WITH NATURAL FIBRES ### प्राकृतिक रेशा: पर्यावरण की सफाई, एक स्थायी भविष्य की बुनाई ### "

Welcome to ICAR - Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres

ICAR-CRIJAF is a premier institute on jute & allied fibre crops of ICAR under Crop Science is situated at Nilganj, Barrackpore (6.0 Km from Barrackpore railway station) and about 20 Km from Dum Dum Airport (NSC Bose International Airport). The institute mainly deals with 6 natural fibre crops viz., Jute, Sisal, Ramie, Sunnhemp, Mesta and Flax. The institute has four Research Stations viz., Sunnhemp Research Station, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh; Ramie Research Station, Sorbhog, Assam; Sisal Research Station, Bamra, Odisha and Central Seed Research Station for JAF, Budbud, West Bengal. It has two KVK's under administrative control of ICAR-CRIJAF, one is located at Budbud in Burdwan district and one at CRIJAF campus of Barrackpore, West Bengal.



  1. Basic and strategic research on improvement of jute and allied fibre crops, biotic and abiotic stresses, yield and quality.

  2. Development of economically viable and sustainable production technology, cropping systems and post-harvest technology.

  3. Co-ordination and monitoring of applied research on national and regional issues to develop improved varieties and technologies.

  4. Dissemination of technologies and capacity building.

Dr. Gouranga Kar, Director, ICAR-CRIJAF
Announcements / Circular / Reports

ICAR-CRIJAF is inviting “Expression of Intent” from seed manufacturers and industries located in different states of the country for the seed production of following high yielding jute and flax varieties developed by ICAR- CRIJAF, Barrackpore, Kolkata.

Visit of High level dignitaries on 10th Feb., 2025 on the occassion of Institute Foundation Day 2025.

Expert-Farmers/SHGs Interaction meeting to be held on 10th Feb., 2025 on the occassion of Institute Foundation Day 2025.

Consolidated Empanelled Hospital / Diagnostic Centre list as on 05.02.2025.

Extension of services for part time medical officers in respect of ICAR-CRIJAF HQ and Research Stations.

Dr. Tarun Adak, Senior Scientist (Soil Science) joined ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore on 31st January 2025.

Announcement for 14th National Symposium on Coastal Agriculture (NSCA) during February 28 - March 3, 2025.

Endorsement of ICAR Memorandum F/No.7(2)/2024-Per-I, dt. 07.01.2025 regarding.

ICAR-CRIJAF inked Technology License Agreement (TLA) with M/s Bengal Biotech & Research, West Bengal and M/s Next2Nature, Assam for Commercialization of Jute Seeder.

Nominations for election of employee's representative on Grievances Committee for Scientific, Administrative and Supporting category.

Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) for the year 2024 (as on 01-JAN-2025).

ICAR-CRIJAF inked Technology License Agreement (TLA) with M/s Creative Displayers, Barrackpore, Kolkata for Commercialization of Ramie & Sisal Fibre Extractor.

Holiday List to be observed at ICAR-CRIJAF HQ and Research Stations / KVKs for the year 2025.

Declaration form along with salary statement for the year Mar/2024 to Feb/2025 for opting Tax Slab.

Implementation of all the leave modules available in e-HRMS-2.0 portal.

Signing MoA Between ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore and M/s Krishi Udyog, Howrah for commercialization of Nail Weeder

Mandatory use of NIC email id for official communications regarding.

Announcement for inviting ‘EXPRESSION OF INTENT – 2024’ for licensing of Farm Machineries developed by ICAR-CRIJAF

Invitation for 'EXPRESSION of INTENT-2024' from seed manufacturers and industries located in different states of the country for the seed production of different varieties.

New Circular on COVID-19 pandemic regarding.

" स्वच्छता संदेश / Swachhhata messages