भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय पटसन एवं समवर्गीय रेशा अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute

Shri Ravi Mishra

Administrative Officer
ICAR-ERP Id: 012268

Our Administrative and Finance Team

Mr. Subrata Biswas

Principal Private Secretary (PPS) to Director
Director Cell ICAR-ERP Id:012272

Sri Manoj Kumar Roy

Assistant Administrative Officer
Director Cell

ICAR-ERP Id: 012273

Sri Dilip Kumar Barua

Assistant Administrative Officer & Incharge
Administration (Establishment)

ICAR-ERP Id: 012270

Sri Ritesh Kumar

Assistant Administrative Officer
Administration (Establishment)

ICAR-ERP Id: 022637

Sri Chandan Kumar Verma

Assistant Administrative Officer
Administration (Establishment)

ICAR-ERP Id: 012281

Sri Sushanta Dey

Private Secretary
Administration (Establishment)

ICAR-ERP Id: 012402

Smt. Neena Mandal

Private Secretary
Head of Office Cell

ICAR-ERP Id: 012274

Ms. Satarupa Roychowdhury

Administration (Establishment)

ICAR-ERP Id: 022718

Sri Sribash Dey

Assistant Administrative Officer & D.D.O.
I/C, Bill Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012267

Sri Amit Kumar Mandal

Bill Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012315

Sri Palash Tiwari

Finance and Accounts Officer

Audit & Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 025898

Sri Raj Kumar Ghosh

Assistant Administrative Officer

Audit & Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012259

Sri Bhola Nath Dey

Audit & Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012286

Sri Soumya Roy


Audit and Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012400

Sri Sandhi Biswas

Upper Division Clerk
Audit and Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012278

Sri Avishek Barua

Upper Division Clerk
Audit and Accounts Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012279

Ms. Sohini Bhattacharya

Assistant Administrative Officer
I/C (Purchase & Store Section)

ICAR-ERP Id: 012282

Sri Tridib Ghosh

Purchase & Store Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 012399

Sri Avirup Das

Purchase & Store Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 022636

Sri Sonu Kumar Suman

Purchase & Store Section

ICAR-ERP Id: 022850

Sri Prasanta Kumar Das


Ramie Research Station

ICAR-ERP Id: 012271

Sri Ranjan Das

Lower Division Clerk

Ramie Research Station

ICAR-ERP Id: 019463

Sri Sandeep Prakash

Sunnhemp Research Station

ICAR-ERP Id: 012287

Sri Radhey Shyam Yadav

Lower Division Clerk
Sunnhemp Research Station

ICAR-ERP Id: 024626

Sri Ravi Patra

Lower Division Clerk

Sisal Research Station

ICAR-ERP Id: 023513