भाकृअनुप - केन्द्रीय पटसन एवं समवर्गीय रेशा अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institute


Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory (JARL) under Central Jute Commission was established in 1938 at Dhaka. After partition of the country, Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory shifted to Chinsura in West Bengal and then at the present location of Nilganj, Barrackpore in year of 1953 as Jute Agricultural Research Institute (JARI). JARI was taken over by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1966. In January 1990, the institute has been rechristened to its present name Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF).


Inauguration of ICAR-CRIJAF (then JARI) at Barrackpore by then Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture, Shri Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Ji at 1953


Present campus of ICAR-CRIJAF Headquarters, Barrackpore


Present campus of ICAR-CRIJAF Headquarters, Barrackpore (Illuminated)


Landscape of ICAR-CRIJAF campus


  1. Basic and strategic research on improvement of jute and allied fibre crops, biotic and abiotic stresses, yield and quality.
  2. Development of economically viable and sustainable production technology, cropping systems and post-harvest technology.
  3. Co-ordination and monitoring of applied research on national and regional issues to develop improved varieties and technologies.
  4. Dissemination of technologies and capacity building.


To explore traditional and new frontier areas of science for technology development, promotion and policy guidance for a vibrant, effectively productive and resilient jute and allied fibre agriculture.


Provide leadership in research and technology development to make jute and allied fibre farming profitable and sustainable.

Cadre Strength (as on Today)

Cader Sanctioned Filled Vacant
Project coordinator 00 00 00
Head of divisions 03 01 02
Scientists 47 + 1 (RMP) 42 + 1 (RMP) 05
Administration 62 38 24
Technical 108 45 63
Skilled Supporting Staff(SSS) 46 37 09